Originally Posted By: JM

The letter proves that Dodd had in his possession a translated copy of the German law prior to writing GCA'68 (Gun Control Act 1968). The obvious question that you refuse to speculate or even consider is WHY?

JM: I'm amazed such a lame conspiracy theory continues to circulate. Think about it. The letter is dated July 12, 1968. By the time that letter was written, most of the GCA provisions had gone through congressional hearings for years and the language was largely in place. So why did Dodd, after 7 years of working on gun control legislation (he started in 1961), suddenly ask for a copy of the Nazi law?

Probably because Rep. John Dingell, in a hearing before Dodd's committee, compared the proposed legislation to the 1938 Nazi law! If you were accused of copying something, wouldn't you want to check it out? Do you really imagine that on such a controversial topic, Dodd could read a document in mid-July, draw up a "near verbatim copy" and make it a law by October?

To be fair - if you understood the legislative process, you wouldn't have been suckered by the JFPO conspiracy theory. I've had considerable experience with state and federal legfislation. It can take years to get any major legislation drawn up, run through committees, redrawn, compromises hammered out, passed by the House, sent to the Senate, more hearings, more compromises, passed by the Senate, sent to conference, and finally voted up or down. The notion that a senator can scribble out a highly controversial law and make it happen in three months is ridiculous. So the date on the letter itself disproves the JPFO conspiracy theory.

Answer me straight up: Have you read both of these laws and compared them side by side?


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