When it comes to fine guns we, at my Cabelas, are amateurs. We are being successful at our store because we realize that fact and understand our markets. We sell to ordinary folks and strive to provide them a decent gun at a decent price. Most of the folks working the Library were buyers at other stores so they know their limitations. Cabelas is a big box store, the stuffed animals, the fancy gun library are just tools to make ordinary folks feel special. If we make our customers feel special they come back and they buy things. It's not about being a gun expert it's about maintaining a consistent profit margin, and return customers.

WE don't deal in fine guns, we have a few nice ones, but mostly we just sell guns to be used. My contention is I can get better indication of barrel wall thickness with a caliber and a good bore gauge then I can with a Manson. There are lots of indications of a thin barrel wall. Dents, the rings in the bore, the feel of the gun. These aren't the accuracy required to deal in fine guns but they are a good indication of when it's time to run.

Last edited by pooch; 09/10/12 12:28 PM.