King, I think we'd all be very interested in the specifics of what you personally did to reverse the gun registry in Canada. It sounds as if you personally were a driving force in that success story. You make it seem that you did way more than Mr. Average Canadian Gunowner. It might be very instructive, but I don't know because you've only given us very vague generalities so far. I'm conflicted when you say you don't think I personally have done anything to reverse, or win, or forestall gun control initiatives. How do you know that? (You're wrong, by the way, but there is always room for improvement) I also find it odd that you would make that assumption and accusation while at the same time you are ignoring or excusing the overt and not so overt gun-controllers or grabbers who inhabit this forum. I never saw you once, in any way, try to change the minds of anyone who made the knee jerk reccomendation to restrict guns rather than attempt other solutions. But I and others who are passionately pro-2nd Amendment are frequently taken to task by you. I'm afraid I don't understand this winning strategy of yours.

I personally have no problem engaging the fence sitters or gunners who are simply not as involved as they might be at a time when the threat is imminent and serious. I also understand how some are either confused by misinformation or simply lulled, and I do my best to inform and educate until it becomes apparent that they will see no solution or consider no option but punishing the law abiding for the crimes of a psychopath. I fail to see how it serves any purpose to sleep with the enemy. There are some who will never enter your big tent no matter how sweet we are or how much proof we provide to convince them. Do you find it odd that none who have weighed in on your reply to me are in agreement with you?

Do you really think I could get nca225 to join the NRA or see that the anti-gun solutions he proposed over and over have been tried, but failed? Not in a million years. No one who was nice to him got any further than I did resorting to harsh treatment. You are lecturing me about what works and what is a waste of time. But you are advising me/us to waste our time with people who are hell bent on restricting our rights, and who will not be deterred. Ever! That's simply crazy. Do you really think I and fellow NRA members and fellow gun owners could ever change the hearts and minds of avowed anti-2nd Amendment politicians like Obama, Feinstein, Schumer, Biden, Boxer, Waxman, Bloomberg, et al? We'd have a better chance using alchemy to turn our lead shot into gold. Being like Neville Chaimberlain won't win this war either.

It's become abundantly clear that the only Big Tent where these types are reside is The Anti Gun Circus. The latest Circus has come to town and it is still an anti-gun circus and it features the same old clowns. They are not interested in the truth and they intentionally dissemminate incorrect information about guns and gunowners. Their act is promoted by an anti gun Liberal media that you continually make excuses for. Tell us how that works. Tell us how that's a winning tactic.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.