Below please find the letter I wrote to my congressmen shorty after the Newtown tragedy. Feel fee to use it as a template for a letter or email to contact your congressmen. IMO: The chances of it being read are better if it's short and to the point.

Dear Congressman_____________ or Dear Senator____________

I think we are all well aware that the leftist gun grabbers will make every attempt to capitalize on the Newtown Conn. tragedy to severely curtail or take away entirely our 2nd Amendment rights. We are also well aware that this tragedy was carried out by a mentally unbalanced individual as was the case with previous tragedies such as Columbine and Virginia Tech. This may be a good opportunity to return to the previous policy of institionalizing mentally ill people so they don't pose this kind of danger to society but that perhaps is another matter. I would ask for your support in strongly opposing any legislation that fundamentally impacts our 2nd Amendment rights. I would also recommend you consider introducing legislation to permit properly trained teachers to be armed on school property such as has been successfully done with airline pilots to deter further incidents by madmen.


Last edited by italiansxs; 01/12/13 03:12 PM.

The 2nd Amendment IS an unalienable right.