Regarding "The new Lefever."
I do not mean to be presumptious. Many, many know more about this than I. However, never to be particularly shy, my initial thoughts on the project are:
I believe the design should be as simple and straight forward as possible. The more simple the better to actually get the project off the ground. Therefore, extractors and DT should be the original design. However, there is no reason that the design should not be such that, if there is a market for ejectors and single triggers, and someone wants to make them, they should be able to be made to fit.
A true kit gun.
Regarding gauges. I don't really know enough about the specs of the Lefever to say if the XX frame which has been suggested is the best. But, if it is a light frame 20/16 like the Fox built for their guns (and, I also believe Parker used the same frame on different gauges. The smallest used for both the 20 and 16 should be similar.), such a frame should also work fine for a 28. If it is possible to get the firing pins a distance which can be used for all three gauges then that should be the goal. One frame, three possible gauges.
A true kit gun.
Barrels. See if the barrel maker will make barrels available in all three gauges. If not, then your call whether a 20/16 or 20/28. Barrel lengths? Obviously the 28 inch. As to 30 inch or 26 inch for the other, I don't know. Seems that the 30 inch is more popular but I am not sure here. I appreciate a 26 inch and I know some of those folks who shoot grouse, bobwhite, snipe and the like love those short barrels. But certainly at least two gauges and two barrel lengths. Three gauges would be better.
Again, a true kit gun.
It should definitely use the Lefever name but only as a historical reference not to infringe on any trademark/name ownership. More than likely, you can't call it a "Lefever." However, it can probably be labeled "Lefever Patents" or something similar. No reason to not have the name of the creators on there somewhere such as on the barrel flats and water table.
I think financing can be arranged with deposits. Sell the places for specific serial numbers. There are already folks claiming them.
Anyway, a wonderful and exciting project.
I would be happy and honored to help in any way, even if it is just making a deposit on my gun. (Course, I want a cool serial number too.)
Best Regards, R. Craig Clark

R. Craig Clark