Thanks for the heads up Mr. Al. I intend to do as you suggest re. keeping everything running smoothly But, won't charge our members a handling charge. I simply wanted to make this Lefever project available to the many that would fall into the average income bracket that I live within. Maybe it's a way of saying thanks for the work tht has been sent my way or the kindness that has been shown me by the members ---- who knows or even cares. But, here it is and at this time the ball has started rolling. I fully intend to do my best to get this project off the ground and flying smoothly. After it is all up and running & I'm not needed anymore, I'll back away. The members of this project will be more than able to carry it on. Thanks again Al and all who have graciously offered their thoughts & opinions --- much appreciated ! Please keep sending in your thoughts & questions. Ken

Ken Hurst