Originally Posted By: Humpty Dumpty
Originally Posted By: Stallones
As one of my illustrious friends tells me " A shotgun without hammers is like a WOman without breasts.

Kinda exaggerated maybe ,but to the point..

If I remember right, Edward VII compared a hammerless gun to a spaniel without ears.

And, speaking of efficiency, few of us can match the scores of lord Ripon, and he used nothing but hammer guns. Of course, few of us shoot with a set of four and three loaders smile

Hi the quote "spaniel without ears" was really said by Edwards second son who would become George V. George V shot hammerguns his whole life and rarely use hammerless guns. He was fond of 16b guns BTW. Edward the VII used hammerless doubles during his adult life as did his grandson George VI.

I have a keen interest in the three Royal cousins, George V, Nicholas II and Wilhelm II. Very interesting fellows and their interactions both as rulers and as a family is fascinating. BTW, they all shot owned and shot Purdeys. among others.



Gregory J. Westberg