Ken & Steve,
I think what you are planning is a terrific idea. I personally would love to own an original Lefever in mint condition, but I am a gun lover, not a collector. Buying a high condition original would be a mistake for me. Even if I was willing to pay the price, I would have to use it, and the condition would quickly degrade. I would also be limited in the shells I could fire in the rapidly depreciating "mint" shotgun.
A new Lefever made on CNC machinery out of modern steels would be a dreaam come true. With the toerances you will be able to hold, wood and barrels will be truly interchangeable. I am the customer service manager of a company that custom builds vaults, shielding doors, blast doors, attack proof doors and acoustical products for many alphabet agencies and the government as well as every radio, TV, or recording studio around the globe.
I deal with customers every day that have taken delivery of exactly what they specifed and realised they should have taken the experts advice, rather than designing what they thought they wanted. The costs of making their product perform as required are horrendous, and often it is financialy feasable to start over with the product that was recommended originally. From experience, keep it simple. Decide what guage, features and barrel length the majority of potential customers want and stick with your decisions. You may lose a few sales, but the people that want all the inherent qualities of an American Classic made with modern materials will step up to the plate. Some people will say "I would have bought one if such and such was available". But a great many of those people would say thay no matter what you had offered. I would love to be a part of a business venture like this, but I am realistic. The gun business is no place for a gun addict. I had a gunshop for many years, but my profits ended up in my gun safes. I am sure I will finance the purchase of one of these modern Lefevers by selling off some of the profits from 20 years ago. Best of luck to you both. I'll be waiting for news that production has begun.


I can't be too bad, my dogs will kiss me.