Brittany Man, The Photo you speak of"Purdey Action Filer is of Jim Rogers, I was standing with my Gaffer' Bill O'Brien who took the photo. I used the "pic" in my Shotgun Technicana Book. Last Jan. Bob Dollimore Former Ejectorman @ JP&S. Now living in New Zealand, sent me a couple of photos of Jim Rogers's Hand-Drill with the leather thong thats in the picture.I could add quite a lot on the subject of "Hand made, (Built) guns and DB rifles.....I'm looking for the "Right Person" to give all the old Gunmaking tools that Myself and all the"Dead Buggers who left with me boxes of their Stuff,maybe some Younger'person might want to try their hand at some "Hand-Made" Gun-Parts......C/C trevallion.