King, here's my point. The de-regulation that occurred, instigated by the left leaning Democrats, as a method of harnessing what they saw as market forces, to advance a social agenda, blew up in everyone's face. But those same liberal Democrats consistently blame "greed" and "capitalism" for the problem while glossing over their rather significant role and objectives. It is intellectually dishonest. I think when you gloss over it, you are smart enough to know you are either being dishonest or disingenuous.

As far as outcry from the hoi polloi on the Keynesian spending of the last few years, I'll say I heard a lot and suggest we have a difference of opinion on that subject.

Last edited by canvasback; 08/17/13 08:50 AM. Reason: spelling

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia