Yes gang, we all think beaver tails and pistol grips are appropriate for certain guns. But the original post dealt with the English game gun and whether or not a beaver tail forearm and a pistol grip stock should diminish their value, because it is clear most people who are in the market for an English game gun prefer a straight grip and a splinter forearm. It's nice that many people here don't mind a pistol grip and beaver tail on their Fox or their Model 21's. These are American guns and even the BSS was made for the American mkt. it's nice that you like a pg and bt on your American guns, it really is, and to be frank, I prefer a bt on a Model 21 too. But what about your British game gun?? I'm guessing most of you would turn up your nose at a Boss with a full pistol grip and canoe for a forearm unless you were getting it at half price. Am I wrong??

Socialism is almost the worst.