I googled flaxseed oil and I was right, linseed seed oil is the same as flaxseed oil, the difference being in the method of extraction. Flaxseed oil is basically extra-virgin linseed oil. When the flax seeds are cold-pressed the first oil drawn is collected and marketed as flaxseed oil (a vegetable oil rich in Omega 3) the remaining oil is then obtained by using solvents to aid extraction and is marketed as linseed oil. So... if only the best quality "extra-virgin" linseed oil is good enough for your gun, head on over to the health food store and buy flaxseed oil.
BTW I'm a bit of a vitamine suppliment enthusiast and I eat a table spoon of flaxseed oil nearly every day, it has a pleasant nutty taste and doesn't leave you with fish-flavored burps like fish oil does.

Approach life like you do a yellow light - RUN IT! (Gail T.)