Originally Posted By: Adam Stinson
They say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. Well, that must say alot about Rizzini.

John hit the nail right on the head. This isn't an over/under model 21. This is a redone Inverness, which of course is a copy of the Rizzini (who also just so happened to have a model named the Inverness that CSMC used to import). They simply shaped, styled, and finished it like a Winchester 21. Hence the safety and barrel selector and lock up being the way they are.

None the less, it is a nice gun and I'd love to have one.

Gotta give it to Tony. Genesis business move. 'gotta give it to Tony', give what there Adam? A license to steal?, A get out of jail free card? He already has those things. A Model 21, yeah right. And using the Winchester Model 21 tools to make a Rizzini?? I'm guessing Mr. John Olin would roll over in his grave if he only knew about this so called Model 21 O/U !!
