In O/Us, if you want longer barrels (30"), my first recommendation would be the discontinued Browning Citori Feather XS Sporting with the aluminum alloy frame. The asking price is generally around $1500 to $1800 in mint condition. If you want 28" barrels, you could go with the Feather XS with 28" or with a Ruger. Ruger 28 prices are all over the place these days, but there is one for sale now on ShotGunWorld with no price listed; seller is fishing for offers. The FAIR guns, especially the Cortonas if you can find one, are very nice with 28" barrels and scaled frames, but they are very stiff until they have been shot a bunch. Steel frame Citoris are too heavy for a 28. Many of the Beretta 28s are built on the 20 gauge frame and are heavier than their 20s. The baby frame Beretta is very nice and will hold its value. Watch out for the Beretta Pro because many of those have the horrible XtraWood photographic grain finish. B. Rizzinis and Guerinis are going to be out of your price range, but you might get lucky if you look hard. The Ruger is the absolute best value in the bunch.