Greg, Some elements of the gun control registration are going to be with us forever such as the PAL ( Possession & Acquisition Licensce ) I don't think many of us object to that portion and most support it. If it stops some yahoo from legally acquiring a gun so much the better in my opinion - they will get guns anyway but if the crime and punishment bills get through the firearms offenses won't as easily get traded off in the sentencing unlike today. The registering of long guns makes no sense to a thinking person. Guns don't commit crimes and keeping track of who legally owns what firearm is first an infringement upon personal rights and secondly won't work and most importantly the Government has no reason to know what legally held gun I possess. Harper will repeal the long gun registry if he ever gets a majority government. More money will be invested in gun storage education and firearms handling. The money may be that of the citizen who owns the gun or may partially be government funded - most citizens will pay. The long gun registry is a mess - it was predictably going to be a mess, impossible to administrate etc. unless we become a Fascist State. There are just enough fools out there who think that if the policies and practices they espouse lead us to being a fascist state that is OK as long as we have complete control of all firearms. One of the anomolies of permissive liberalism is that in order to achieve the Societal Structure they crave they espouse restrictions and controls which lead to more interfering governance of individuals not less. The examples of this ridiculous position are apparent all through Society today for an example smoking of tobacco products is prohibited just about everywhere yet many of these same individuals want the legalization of marajuana - to put in brownies I guess for surely they wouldn't condone smoking. Nuts.