Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern
Fox, you sound like you know what you are talking about here. The article in 1962 makes no mention of a re-write from an earlier version. I have the 1962 magazine. I would have missed the 1948 version; I was busy getting born that year...Geo
Havilah Babcock was one of my all-time favorite Southern G'ent-men writes, along with Archibald Rutledge, and of course, De Ol Marster hisslf- T. Nash Buckingham. You are thusly 7 years my junior, Suh.. Love de Southland like old Phil Harris did-'cept I cain 't sing as he done did- and my all time favorite song is- Georgia on my Mind- Yassuh!!

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..