
While I am certain the gun control issue will come up, the real issue lying underneath is MENTAL HEALTH. America (and pretty much everyone else in an open society) doesn't really have a pro-active approach to treating (i.e. jailing or pre-emptive confining/treating)people showing signs of violent behavior. Yes, people can ask for treatment, but even on Sunday there was a TV program about a guy that either went off his meds or his meds became ineffective, and whacked 5 people in New Mexico.

Guns are merely the scapegoat once again, but I think the issue of a pro-active mental health solution is needed in our time. I feel we must advocate some sort of solution before someone solves the problem for us by taking our guns away.

This is way off topic, I realize, but if someone "goes off the deep end" again, I'm sure they'll try to get a gun to do it.

Mike Doerner

Last edited by I. Flues; 04/17/07 03:12 PM.