I've read enough of this that I have to get a couple of things off my chest. First, all the media criticisms I've heard are directed toward the Police, the school (who is the school?), and guns. All three of these culprits are collective bodies. The way I understand the shooting is that at least one individual is responsible. Not once have I heard any blame placed on him. The police were more physically isolated from these shootings than a lot of individuals, yet those individuals who may have been able to stop the perpetrator made no apparent effort to do so. So, how are the police at fault? All the blame has been placed on collective villans and no individuals. That is what our country is slipping into. No individual responsibility - blame is always placed on a collective group so no one individual is responsible. That way no one is guilty and we can all feel good about ourselves. And in response to a comment made above regarding making wrong decisions in critical life or death situations, if you've never made a wrong decision in your life, you've never made a right one either. Life is what it is. When a decision is needed, honest and moral people make the best decisions they can under the circumstances. The results of avoiding a decision because it might be wrong can be a bigger disaster than a wrong decision. Now, I'm going to move on with my life with a good attitude and a smile on my face!