Originally Posted By: ben-t

My position on this subject has, for the most part, already been expressed by many here. I am responding to be counted among those who have expressed dismay at the notion that the "gun culture" had anything of consequence to do with this tragedy. First- I would point out that the perpetrator, I believe, only owned his guns for two months and if when he was suspected of mental problems by his professors had been properly examined, may never have been able to buy them. Second- the anti gun culture was definately involved here! They made the serious decision to mandate the campus be gun free and then failed in the implied promise to protect those on campus. It is my firm opinion that once this decision was made the college administration and campus police became directly liable for the deaths of the innocent students and faculty by their halfway measures. What they did compares to tying the hands and feet of some one trusting you and then taking them for a ride in a boat with one big structural flaw. I am furious of the lack of action taken by the police in this matter! To commit these unarmed people to this environment then stand outside waiting for the gunshots to abate is criminal! The very idea that those who promised to protect these students did not even enter the building until this crazy man had done his worst, is to me a betrayal simular to a parent abusing a child! And then for some to blame it on a "gun culture" to evade their own complicity in this event is shameful. I use as support for my position the surviving victims on the Virgina Tech campus, young men and women the very age of our troops in Middle East. Our soldiers are rushing through doorways into darkened rooms in attempts to save lives and bring peace, while here at home we tell them "you don't need to worry we will protect you"- then stand out under the trees and wait. This is the standard that we are to live by? They will tell us that the problem they have protecting us is what goes on outside the campus boundry, the city limit, or the state line. Does anyone really believe that once the anti gun culture has its way we will be inside and safe? Did you get or anthrax vaccine yet? Your lawmakers did.


Is this the state of police training today? I would have thought that some immediate action would be SOP. Sad if it is the state of the art.