I have a son at Va. Tech, he lived in the dorm in question and majored in engineering and had classes in the building in question. My wife is Tech Alumni. We talked about this a lot.

Per my son,

His opinion is that neither greater gun control nor more relaxed carry laws would have made a difference. Both sides of the arguement need to back away from this. It's not about guns it's about a psychopath. It's not about college security it could happen anywhere.

Regarding gun control, it's already easier to get a gun illegally than legally in many places. More laws wont help.

And regarding relaxed carry laws, we have already proven that we cannot insure that guns stay out of the wrong hands so why would we make it easier for potentially bad people from carrying in public? Even a professor carrying on campus increases the liklihood that an upset or angry student might make a grab for a gun and start a confrontation that instead of being ugly becomes deadly. Arming a couple thousand professors to prepare for a once in a billion possibility is illogical. This bad guy flew below the radar, why make it easier for a bunch more guys with the potential for violence to carry or grab a gun off a non LEO academic type?

Personally I know a lot of gun hobbyists that that I don't want carrying in public, and none of them have felony convictions or diagnosed mental problems. Having them own guns and keep them in thier homes, or cased on the way to and from the range or for hunting is fine. Letting them carry concealed is asking for trouble.

So nothing about this tragedy helps either side. It's a wash. No gun owner should try to spin it to their advantage as it only polarizes the issue and helps the antis paint gun owners as rabid and unreasonable.

I'm done,

