Every time this topic comes up in one form or another, I think back to a day a few years ago.

A guest who joined us for a pheasant hunt brought several rather nice vintage guns with him. Being a sucker for a side lever, a Grant caught my eye.

He offered to let me shoot it and I accepted his invitation because he was trying to sell the gun.

I shot the gun well, even though the comb was too sharp for comfort against my face when I tapped the triggers. I shot her for four days, taking nine roosters, six huns and two sharpies with nearly the same number of shells.

I would have bought her if she hadn't beat my cheek bone up so bad.

She was choked none and quarter and those open barrels worked just find for birds over good dogs and spitting modern munitions.

The last entry in my journal concerning that hunt was MM might just be right on the money concerning chokes and present day ammunition.
