You make an excellent point in your above post regarding hidden damage. After discovering this I would have strong reservations about continued use of this gun.
I also remember reading,and I believe it was here, regarding owners of damascus barreled guns finding minute holes right through their barrels due to inclusions that were present from the original forging process. I think they had been shooting these guns for years without ill effects.
I also have a friend who continued using a Winchester Model 12 after it was discovered to have a bulge in the barrel at about the halfway point. He used this gun that way for years and in fact may still be using it.
I know it's not a shotgun but I continued shooting a Colt OMM for quite some time with a barrel bulge until I finally located a replacement barrel.
As an aside: I suspect it would be interesting to run some strength tests with bulged barrels much as was done with damascus barrels.

Last edited by italiansxs; 09/14/14 01:37 PM.

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