Steve, Thanks for the advice.

I have most of the reloading equipment already (RCBS 7/8") except the .500 dies. I have been reloading (rifle, pistol and shotgun) for some time so experience is not an issue.

I don't have the rifle in hand yet and there is some brass that goes with it but just how many is an unknown. I will have to travel to Boise from SLC to pick up the rifle and that will happen sometime mid month in October.

I intend on acquiring additional brass so purchasing loaded rounds from Superior is in order after the chamber casts are made.

The chamber cast will be one of the first things I do. The process seems to be straightforward and the casting metal inexpensive. There are many on line how-to videos on the process. Safely handling hot metal is my biggest concern but I have all the PPE (personal protective equipment) to do that.

There appears to be some shooting competitions available for black powder cartridge rifles. Apparently there was one for double rifles in Baker, OR in 2013. There appears to one near Cody, WY and Bozeman, MT (I hope to move to Bozeman in the next year). The competitions would be interesting and would offer opportunities for networking with other double rifle shooters.

I am a newbie and novice regarding English guns and rifles so I REALLY APPRECIATE any and all advice I can get.


Doug K