Andy Borowitzt is a comedian whose articles have a small disclaimer at the bottom stating it is political satire; meaning it is bullsh%%. Unfortunately, many do not bother to read the disclaimer(which negates any lawsuits)and think it is the truth, resulting in that article appearing on many liberal websites and blogs by nabobs who don't hold a real job. It's no coincidence Obama made this announcement on the anniversary of Francisco Madero's November 20, 1910 revolution; a Mexican holiday celebrated each year. Since the Liar & Corruption-in-Chief is no longer fawned over (except by the liberal media and moronic, die-hard democrats)he needs a new adoring public. And, the dems need the future votes.
Unfortunately, this is just the tip of the iceberg; he will execute further orders for more amnesty and possibly pardons for all illegal trespassers and his unchecked actions will be used by future democrat presidents because he got away with it.