Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern
I just want to know where I'm supposed to go to pick up my 'white privilege'...Geo

You have options here Geo with little or no guilt necessary. You could go the career politician route say in the mold of a sen byrd who has klan scum roll off his back like marsh water rolls off a duck. Or, you could follow the gore mold, who can shed the tobacco dynasty and interesting voting record of his old man by living in a mansion that draws enough juice to run a decent size town.

Second, there're actressing schools, like the dolezal academy, or enroll in pretty much any 'university'. You have to start on the ground floor, but you could join up with one of the pro traveling loot and pillage circus'.

I think, go with your strong suit, not to mention time saver. Make an immediate, moderately impressive donation to all the dem hopefuls, and then, when a nominee is selected. Well, your level of support would probably have to be funneled through foreign countries, maybe a bunch of them. At that point, you won't have to pick up anything, 'white privilege' will come knocking at your door.

Best part, as mentioned earlier, the guilt vanishes like magic and you get the privilege of dictating to others what they should feel guilty about. Fair warning, for this advice, I'm coming back for a favor. You're going to have to exempt this forum from having to feel guilty about our guns, or buy me a six pack of medicine.