james: thanks for the graph indicating a declining trend in the homicide rate nationwide since 1994. good news, regardless of the cause.

you make the claim that it is a result of concealed carry laws implemented in the mid 90's. what data do you have to support that claim? sounds like wishful thinking to me...same as if one were to claim that the declining homicide rate nationwide is due to the implementation of federal background checks for most hand gun transfers, also implemented in 1994...

what makes this whole gun control thing so difficult to deal with is that we have so little factual data to support any claim...what we do have is the vast majority of citizens who try to respect the views and rights of their fellow citizens and not just those who agree with a particular agenda...

also, we now have about twenty years of factual data that suggests we are over gunned as a society. and we are experiencing more and more horrific evidence of that situation.

wonder when and where the next mass murder will occur via the misuse of high capacity firearms?

Last edited by ed good; 07/19/15 04:55 PM.

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