Originally Posted By: Jagermeister
Donald will be dropped from Republican hopeful lineup. He has insulted a man that has not been shot down and spent time at the famous Hanoi Hilton. Conservative mind can not accept that.

Maybe he's 'in it' because he knows how expensive national tv advertising is. Maybe, he'll drop the rest of the lineup when they no longer have any value to him. He shows what the rest of them are made of whether they take the 'high' road or the low road.

Just because a white rich guy is not afforded the insulation of pc, doesn't mean he can't throw out provocative bomb shells. It works for the current two time election winner.

He wouldn't be my first choice, but there's no doubt in my mind that if he wins the primaries, he would by far be the best competitor. The others should take advantage of the lessons and build on the best of the strategy.