Originally Posted By: King Brown
Mike, spare me a serious minute. Some 36,000 views of homoerotic posts on a thread asking if I'm an anti-gunner, answered by the same poster claiming that I am---with an infinitesimal showing of hands-up in agreement either way. There should be no question of you and Joe as straight or my pro-gun position. How do you account for the 36,000?

I am certain that both jOe and Mike are straight as arrows.

And I am equally certain that you are not pro-gun King Brown. That is not just my opinion... that has been answered by you yourself in your own anti-2nd Amendment and anti-NRA words and rhetoric. Nothing I can say could do as much damage to you as your own words. They have been reproduced and saved here for posterity. They will stand as your DoubleGunShop epitaph. It all has been punctuated by your unabashed support of extreme anti-gun politicians who have nothing else to offer except inexperience, incompetence, and complete disdain for the things that built this country and made it great and strong.

I'd feel confident that only a small fraction of the 36,750 plus views of this thread are by spectators who wish to follow the dispute between Mike and jOe... especially since they have not contributed very many "homoerotic" off-topic posts within this particular thread. I'd prefer that we all stay on the topic really. We can discuss your many lies in a "King Pinnochio" thread or we can initiate a a new thread to discuss your obvious homoerotic excitement over the contribution that acceptance of homosexuals had in the dramatic decline of members in the United Church of Canada... something else you tried to lie about.

But here, it should be about you King Brown, and your "Living Tree" or "Living Document" Liberal Left fantasy version of our Constitution, which would make the 2nd Amendment as useful as toilet paper and would destroy gun rights in a generation. It should be about your glee over jurisdictions where the 2nd Amendment has been infringed upon. It should be about your criticism of the NRA, our gun culture, and your LULLING advice to us to simply give ground to the anti-gunners. Deny it all you want. Those words of yours are here in this thread forever.

The vast majority of those 36,750 plus views are by those visitors who are getting an eyeful and an education in how anti-gun trolls operate. Clearly, it bothers King that he no longer has the support of people who long held their tongue out of pity for an old man. An old man who is a pathological liar is merely a liar with more experience. Respect is earned... not bestowed because of advanced age.

Originally Posted By: ed good



No Ed, this is not over yet. Only a fool takes his foot off the neck of a snake.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.