Holy crap King, before I even saw J.R.B.'s reply to you, I thought you must be drunk as a skunk to write such unintelligible nonsense. Please show us where I ever said that everyone who voted for Obama is anti-gun. Put up or shut up already. Contrary to your beliefs, repeating a lie over and over will not make it true.

I confronted your dubious notion that a large majority of the electorate did not consider gun rights important with the very real fact that numerous anti-gun Democrats got soundly defeated in 2014. Like it or not, some fraction of 47% does not constitute anything like the massive numbers that you gleefully reported as being uninterested in gun rights or down on the NRA. Less than 2 months after the dubious poll you cited, NRA membership was at an all time high of over 5 million, and like it or not, NRA members vote at a much higher rate than the general population.

Jagermeister is not a moron for supporting Obama... twice.... proudly, and then complaining about the high cost of ammo. He is an idiot. Big difference! Don't misquote me. And you know damned well I never once said that everyone who voted for Obama is anti-gun. You can keep lying about that or show us your proof. I'm also waiting for you to show us where I made any homoerotic or homophobic references to swords or snakes. The only snake I have referred to is a lying snake named King. I assure you I was not thinking of penises, but you sure seem to have a phallic fixation. We all can see who is fascinated with all things gay... including your Magic Negro who bathed the White House in rainbow lights. And how many times now have you gushed about Pope Francis and his "Who am I to judge" statement about queers. Do you have a vested interest in clinging to that one line? Too bad you won't repeat his stand on abortion every week. You are so pathetically desperate to discredit me that you'll say anything.

The evidence of your anti-gun proclivities which you demand is evidence I have repeatedly provided... but you are in dishonest denial. The evidence you claim is a lie has been repeatedly proven by your own words and actions. Take my advice. Your lies sound a touch more believable when you aren't inebriated and flailing like a madman. What a total fraud you are.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.