Originally Posted By: keith
I have to admit that I was fooled by the Liberal Media which put words in Walker's mouth which he never said in order to denigrate him. They flat out lied, and like millions of other people, I assumed he actually said it when he didn't. Nowhere in the transcript of the interview between Walker and Todd which you provided did Walker ever say he wished to erect a wall on the U.S./Canadian border.

It's kind of like the way King Brown operates. One should never accept any statistic or statement from King Brown at face value. More often than not, it will be either a lie or it will omit important factual information that changes the meaning entirely. King still has not addressed the lie he told about "GOP candidates wanting razor wire on our "longest undefended border" No matter how you parse it, it was something he knew was not true--- a lie.

My point exactly. This is the "big lie". It begins with an obscure, usually out of context statement that is then spread in the mainstream (read liberal) media, picked up by sycophants like King, embellished with razor wire, and attributed to all candidates. Then, he has the gall to accuse me of lying.

Jim H.