Originally Posted By: SKB
....I will not be voting for a Democrat in 2016....A Ted Cruz type will not....

....grand standing to make a point is useless....

....So back to my question, who are you backing that is actually electable? And what do you make of Paul Ryan? Are you ready to brand him another useless RINO who will be unable to unite the party? I think he could be a very good speaker if the Freedom Boys do not sabotage him like they did he predecessor. Paul Ryan understands the math behind legislation. Being able to get the needed votes and getting things passed far outranks taking a stand over on the fringe.

Steve, I'm hurt. You won't answer my question, but I'll endeavor to persevere.

If there's such a thing as a 'do nothing Congress', why grandstand and be a potential 'do nothing' voter. Not a revised position I might add, but one I've asked you about before. No, I don't discount grandstanding, it works every day of the week for dems when they come up short on substance. Speaking of 'do nothing' anythings, bo sent a military budget back to congress by way of veto today. His reasoning, it doesn't meet his vague concept of 'economic security', code for 'I want more pork in this thing for 'investing''.

I already answered your Ryan question, and sorry to sound like a broken record. If he can get 100% lockstep party support in the House, and bo vetos a bill, like my example above, will it be a 'do nothing congress' or a 'do nothing pres'.

This pres is on the extreme fringe of creative finance, and swings his pen around like it's some excaliber. But, like we've seen so often, 'independents' know this pres is always right and would never question why he obstructs the business of the nation.