Your observation of the game is same as mine except for the last sentence. As a proponent and expander of the term punk's game, the last thing on my mind was to suggest Harper was unique.

Good day here, too, and nice to know your weather is coming our way. Flying yesterday saw 200-plus blacks behind the saltwater beach not a kilometre from the house. No one's bothering them this early, too many pinfeathers.

When the corn's off the fields in a couple weeks or so, they'll be fat and firm and prime eating. Without Jake I've switched to my smaller aluminum skiff with Honda 2 four-stroke, light and easy to drag and launch anywhere.

I bought the light 12-foot Springbok at the Ex Sportsmen's Show in 1965 and a Princecraft same length almost twice the size after capsize five years ago. I'm only half there without Jake but can't live without feathers.