Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
A recent Gallop poll shows 17% of Americans now supporting the Tea Party. Perhaps there's some hope after all.

A Rasmussen poll says only 11% of folks approve of the 'black lives matter' crew. I'll bet that's what you meant by 'hope', after all, your prez sez it's a front and center issue.

Hope you're satisfied with the extent that this administration 'downplayed' the boots on the ground isis captive rescue. Maybe you like the way bo sent a lone destroyer to irritate the chinese, after they completed their colonization of previously international waters. I bet there's a poll somewhere that sez 8 out of 10 chinese know the US has it's weakest Navy since before WWII. The polls overwhelmingly say, bo must continue military action in afghanistan. Weird, huh?

Maybe you're enjoying the lies that gave us ocare. Didn't gruber spill the beans, check that, gloat about the stupidity of the American voter. Maybe, you prefer watching reruns of the reid clip where he brags that he did lie about Romney on the floor of the senate as part of the effort to sink his campaign. Hey employment numbers look great don't they, but these lies don't fit the victim/bash the rich and corporations mantra, eh.

I don't think you care a whole bunch if the dems lie, or how they poll, just as long as it's not an R, eh.

edit to add, great news, ocare premiums are going up thirty-some percent in MT, hope-n-so little change, eh.

Last edited by craigd; 10/27/15 06:40 PM.