South Georgia deer dogs are not on equal footing with the glamour hounds of a French Chateau. While well treated by some, they are the cannon fodder of the canine hunting world, at least around here. There are exceptions. Dolly, a pitiful looking skin and bones beagle, was found by me in a remote river swamp while woodcock hunting over 12 miles and a week from where and when the pack was released. Fortunately she was collared with a phone number on a tag. The owner was overjoyed to get her back as she was his daughter's favorite and a pet as well. Abby was glad to see her exit my truck's floorboard as Dolly had wolfed down Abby's Milk Bones. Walter told me the story of a man he once hunted with who emptied the local dog pounds for prospective deer dogs. While hunting with the motley pack, one lagged behind. The man pulled out a ball peen hammer from his pouch. "What are you going to do with that hammer?" "Kill that worthless dog." Walter begged him not to do it and the man didn't. At least not while Walter was around.