Old Colonel's figures on prosecutions of those who either lied on their 4473s or were denied based on their previous records which should have prevented their ownership of guns, may not be 100% accurate, but you get the message. Criminals continue to try to buy guns under present law, and are not prosecuted when they are caught. Similar lack of prosecution for straw purchases would result in similar low percentages. Obama will not address these situations because addressing them would result in the prosecution of "CRIMINALS" which is not Obama's agenda. CRIMINALS vote democrat and Obama does not want such people incarcerated. As far as my original statement is concerned, I stand by it. Of course, we know the Brits have all but outlawed gun traffic, to no help in eliminating crime or violence. The Canadians spent tens of millions on a nationwide gun registration which worked so badly that it was scrapped. In the wake of the scrapping of the ridiculous gun registration, they elected another left wing Prime Minister, PM Junior, a second generation family candidate similar to what we would have if we elected Hillary. Take back my post about UK and Canadian left wingers, no way. In some minor way, the USA voters are in charge, regardless of the percentage of uninformed voters. In the UK and Canada, the voters are not only not in charge, they are absolutely unaware of what their leaders are doing to them.