Enough...Thread will stand but is locked.

I did get a kick out of the knife thing....It's hysterical!
I personally carry 2...an Emerson Super Karambit plus a Zero Tolerance 0562.

I'd love to carry a prime time hawk but they are too bulky/heavy and although I have several I can't bring myself to buy the RMJ unit I really like (too expensive).

This in NOT a political debate arena.

This is a pro-gun website...and surprise surprise...I am pro-gun.
As in pro-all kinds of guns...not just pretty 2 barreled ones.

I suspect with high confidence the preponderance of the participants to be pro-gun and NRA members to boot.

If you are not pro gun you can either leave...Or, pipe down and be respectful of the majority. We really don't care to hear your opinion.

"Misfires has been sequestered" = Largely because I couldn't take the same geniuses pissing on each others feet all the time.

And in similar fashion...that is why this thread is locked.

Dave Weber
DoubleGun Evangelist
In Charge But Not Responsible