You and your friend Brittany Man are what's wrong with Forums.
Anytime a subject is raised, no matter what the Post, question or statement, no matter what the Topic, you default to your age old grievance.
The OP asked a question about the Model 21 section of the CSMC website.
You both respond with negative Post's of CSMC that have NOTHING to do with the OP question!
You then both attack anyone who begs to offer an opinion that differs from your opinion or that questions the relevance of your Post to the OP.
I have no problem if someone asks an opinion of a company and thier products and someone responds but to constantly Post the same negative information when it's not relative to the OP is denigrating.
I have not Posted such inflammatory words as "poor purchases" description.
Grow up.
For others that read this Thread and my Post, if you don't support these negative knee jerk reactions and personal attacks, Post your thoughts, other wise this forum will go the way of many.