LoL, sorry but can't help it. Had that been me that fell into a deal that sweet, the cops would have beat me to my front door.

When you decide to unload the Krieghoff, I will go as high as 776.00. ( I know, in my dreams)

My life long problems with shotguns is, I'm a rifle shooter and have to have a shotgun to fit me like a glove. Or I have to spend time on the skeet range so as not to embarrass myself in front of my friends and brothers-in laws in the field.

The stories of my poor performance with scatter guns are best expressed by XZ*#&$? and have proved the source of great amusement to many friends and loved ones. Unless I trot off to the club and shoot four to six rounds of skeet. Of course this is an utter disappointment to friends and loved one in the field as I clean there clocks. Just don't give me a coffee break in between.

Now a gun that really fits me (rare) I'm able to shoot without full retraining. I've only shot one that really fit me and that was out of the Hemingway estate. NOT FOR SALE.

So I just muddle along in the hope of getting a shotgun that works for me before I leave this mortal coil.