Originally Posted By: Recoil Rob
Originally Posted By: BIG AL

Ok Brent, I can see that this has digressed to the point of the name calling. Thank you for your insight. Al

I believe it started digressing to the point of name calling with "Thank you, all of you lowest form of scum pond life, Lawyers."

Recoil Rob: Sir or Madame, I have no knowledge of who you are nor do I know what your occupation is or may be.

My statement from above was only directed in general to the self appointed ruling class that delights in inflicting pain on the American public with their many deceits.

I hold a few former lawyers in the highest regard for fighting against their lying former brethren, that they watched their clients suffer under. It is a shame the mass media in America does not look more closely at all these self appointed members of the ruling class as they did to that legal wizard that was disbarred this past week.

However you are correct in regards to it being personnel, but only if you are among the members of the self appointed ruling class that does not care to grant your victims plenary rights of due process, in less than general jurisdiction venues.