Originally Posted By: treblig1958
Looks great Steve. What else did you do to it? Stain? Linseed oil? True oil?

After I stripped the old finish I gave it a coat of alkanet root stain I made from ground AR and alcohol. Then I refinished it with many coats of Track of the Wolf's Original Oil Finish which I darkened by mixing ground AR in it too. I like alkanet root because it tends to bring out figure hidden in the wood. However, with this old JABC muzzle loader there just wasn't much figure there.


FWIW calling this gun a JABC is probably a little harsh. It's not poorly made and must've been treasured farm implement in its day. The best part is, at 8lbs, mostly in the barrels, I'm not worried about it blowing up!

Approach life like you do a yellow light - RUN IT! (Gail T.)