Originally Posted By: cadet
Keith, I come here to read about and discuss all things vintage doubles; unfortunately, some otherwise enjoyable material is spoiled by political and personal spillover. We can't avoid it here even if we try. I offer opinions and discuss all manner of gun and other politics pertinent to me in a number of places, but not here.

I see. So it's OK for you to discuss gun politics and inflict your opinions on others in a number of other places... but for some reason, this is sacred ground. Only double guns may be discussed here, right... except for all those other totally off topic threads like the ones on pump shotguns, recipes, Jagermeister's handgun choices, dogs, trucks, fluorescent orange hunting clothes, retirement, hunting boots, binoculars, chest waders, knife sharpening, file manager, flintlock pistols, e-bay gun sales, carbon monoxide detectors, forming oxygen cylinders, police shootings, and even an anti-2nd amendment Socialist named Kingsley L. Brown.

That was just a very partial list of the non-doublegun topics that routinely get posted here. I admit that I enjoyed or participated in some of them. Others, not so much. So I simply didn't bother reading them. I suppose I could have whined to Dave or predicted the demise of this website and Western Civilization. I could have wrung my hands over wasted pixels, bits, and bytes too. I do hope that Misfires is not reinstated as some have requested. Simply having it there at the very bottom of the content page will be just too much for some here to avoid the temptation of looking.

Time for another recipe I guess, but hold the Ortolan.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.