Bro. Steve remains on a possibly Quixotic quest for the "Lopin Rosetta Stone", without which we can't really KNOW how the incredibly creative and artistic damascus patterns were obtained. He's been in contact with Continental knife makers, and found this from Manfred Sachse's Alles über Damaszener Stahl, 1993. Unfortunately, the source of the examples is uncertain, though likely Delcour-Dupont.

Top, left to right: 1. Rampant Lion; 2. Chain; 3. Boston, a symmetric large scroll 2 iron Crolle; 4. ? Bernard.
Bottom, left to right: 1. Star, American Flag, or Etoile'; 2. A higher grade Damas Crolle, probably 3 or 4 iron; 3. Washington; 4. Obviously similar lopin to Boston, but probably used for 2 Iron Oxford which was asymmetric.