I don't know how you would rank Canada within right and left categories. We just sent packing a conservative federal government for its autocratic governance. Two of my conservative waterfowling and fishing buddies put 2 X 3 signs on their lawns saying "I am a conservative but Harper has to go."

I believe no government can be trusted to do what it promises, even as a sacred trust, and despite that Canada has come to a reasonable public accommodation with its gun laws.There are indications of making handgun restrictions less onerous and currently a small petition of 25,000 signatures has asked to lift restrictions on AR15s.

Other than that, Canadian gunners have more freedom than the US regulatory rigamarole. I haven't heard a moan or cry (other than the above) since we got rid of the long gun registry. I have no use for an AR15, consider them ugly, and believe those who want them should organize as long gunners did to get public support for their mission.

PS--I've said here several times the only organization American shooters can trust to represent their interests is the NRA. Party affiliation is a crap shoot. A single person whose positions change daily has just taken over a national political party in his name to do as he wishes as president. With respect, Colonel, making lefties scapegoats isn't it. NRA is the only trustworthy player. .