Originally Posted By: King Brown
Other than that, Canadian gunners have more freedom than the US regulatory rigamarole. I haven't heard a moan or cry (other than the above) since we got rid of the long gun registry. I have no use for an AR15, consider them ugly, and believe those who want them should organize as long gunners did to get public support for their mission.

Rights are not contingent on your consumer tastes.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
PS--I've said here several times the only organization American shooters can trust to represent their interests is the NRA. Party affiliation is a crap shoot. A single person whose positions change daily has just taken over a national political party in his name to do as he wishes as president. With respect, Colonel, making lefties scapegoats isn't it. NRA is the only trustworthy player. .

It is true that both Democrats and Republicans have sold out gun owners at some level or another, at least in New York State. The putrid piece of legislation called "The SAFE Act" could not have been passed without Dean Skelos betraying his voters and voting against Second Amendment Rights. (In case you don't keep up with New York Politics, Dean Skelos is the now-convicted felon who acted as NYS Senate President; Democrat Sheldon Silver is the other now-convicted felon who acted as Democratic Assembly Majority Leader and also instrumental in passing the SAFE Act.)

It is not true that the NRA is the only organization gun owners can trust to represent their interests. The NRA is the most visible and powerful organization, but its primary focus is on lobbying in Washington. D.C. There are other great organizations including the Second Amendment Foundation and Gun Owners of America. At the moment, the biggest impediments to gun rights are found in the states, and there are many great organizations dedicated to protecting Second Amendment rights at the state level. For example, we have the Shooter's Committee on Political Education ("S.C.O.P.E.") in New York. Ultimately, the protection of every right comes to We, the People to demand better from our government and exercise our other fundamental right to vote.

Last edited by Smokeshot; 09/05/16 09:51 AM.