Originally Posted By: King Brown
craig, as I said, I'd be less dubious about a flat tax if the comfortable weren't pushing it so hard. The rich and influential look after their interests first as the rest of us watch their sectors stagnating and social welfare lengthening. Public investment in commercial and military research and development rises in Canada while productivity falls and business lines its pockets.

The US Department of Defense--- funded by American taxpayers---will continue to be the global technology developer, as it was in the 20th century i.e. the Internet, fibre optics, transistors, micro chips, smaller and smaller digital computers, advanced materials. Fortunes abound but increasingly the middle class lives on crumbs from the outstretched hand of charity.

All reflected in the phenomenal and unprecedented attractions of Bernie and Donald and a country with the least popular presidential nominees in its history. And, what kind of a flat tax is critical. There are several. Anyone selling flat tax because it's simple makes me wary.

King, you say that like there is something wrong with the rich looking after there own interests. We all do. Even the crackhead welfare bums. Best ad they can figure it out.

The issue is not that they look out for themselves but in doing so do they take unfair advantage of others. While not all, there are many on the welfare rolls how are only looking out for themselves and doing the best they can to take advantage of others. Are you outraged by them as you are by the rich? You should be because the behaviour is the same. Are you outraged by yourself?

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia