
They were over there Dr. Wanker, doing a bang up job until your boy Obama pulled them out prematurely and left an obvious power vacuum that hundreds of brilliant analysts... obviously not guys like Larry... said would result in Al Qaeda moving in to fill the void. [/quote/]

Darn, Keith . . . I wish Wonko hadn't quoted you. That's the only way I read your stuff, since I have you on ignore. Matter of fact, I was no longer "in the business" when Obama decided to pull EVERYONE out of Iraq (which he probably did because he had to keep at least one campaign promise, having found himself unable to close Gitmo). And although I don't think it took any particular brilliance, I said that pulling out of Iraq totally was a very bad move. Said so long before AQI reappeared on the scene as ISIS. All of Petraeus' gains with the Anbar Sunni tribes . . . down the tubes.

Whichever candidate wins this election, he or she needs to have the following sitting front and center on the desk in the oval office: NEVER ENGAGE IN REGIME CHANGE WITHOUT NEAR CERTAINTY THAT THE NEW REGIME WILL REPRESENT A FOREIGN RELATIONS VICTORY FOR THE UNITED STATES.