Wes Dillon was the first "Head Fred" in their fledgling Gun Library program, back in Sidney- last word I had was, Wes is with James D. Julia out in Maine--Bass Pro Shop is a major league supporter of DU-- I have my eye on a 20 gauge L.C. Smith Ideal at the MI Cabela's gun library- over priced at $2450, as the barrels were cut to 28" from 30" and both barrels are straight cylinder bore. Guess their "Gun Library expert" missed using a choke gauge and also looking for the half-moon shaped milled out notches on top and bottom ribs- factory std. on all pre-1913 Smiths Grade 2 and up, and on all post 1913 Grades from Ideal and up-- Gun shows wear, but no cracks in the stock at the locks or tangs- is worth about half what they have it tagged at- so, we shall see.

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..