True observations and concerns noted above. We were walking past the camp restroom last night where one of the owners had just showered, the last vestige of light nearly gone in the West. I heard a very big sound of a critter going through the brush ten feet to my left, and I stopped to look while my .45 exited its holster. My son went the 30 yards to the trailer and traded his AR for his 9mm with the light.
Not seeing anything from my position, I moved from North to East and had him follow me. His light fell on the snake and an instant later I fired a quick couple rounds. I saw the snake reel from the first shot, and I had my son go get a shotgun and shovel while held the light on the immobile diamondback. Two rounds into the head with the shotgun, the head cut off and immediately buried. Tail cut off and saved. Body left in a clear area with a game cam set up to see mother nature's nightshift clean up crew. Snake was gone this morning.

Tolerance: the abolition of absolutes

Consistency is the currency of credibility