When I moved to Texas in 2007 I really missed the Illinois state run pheasant hunting program. Back then I believe it was $18 for three birds, but $35 for two birds is still an incredible deal compared to what it cost to hunt pheasants in Texas game preserves. Ive spent the last few weeks visiting friends in Illinois and I also purchased a new hunting dog three weeks ago. Ive been having a fun time hunting him at the nearby Illinois State pheasant hunting facility.

Meet Kelakye's Cowboy Back n Town aka Trace my new furry hunting partner.

Here Trace is again with his very first pheasant. He found it hiding 15 up in a pine tree. Good dog!


Last edited by Rockdoc; 11/08/16 09:48 PM.

Approach life like you do a yellow light - RUN IT! (Gail T.)