I don't have an opinion as to leaving it as is or boring it out. However, that brings to mind a fine old English gun I saw that had been restored and then slut-slapped. I don't know the maker but it was fine, Damascus barrels and engraved. Beautiful barrels with a great pattern.

The current owner, however, had the barrels threaded and fitted with chokes that extended outside the barrels end. (I don't know the proper term.) It looked awful.

Not being a bird hunter myself, can't afford it and I'm a terrible shot, I see little need to "improve" the pattern from my standpoint. However, I had a Husqvarna reamed as you describe, a good shotgun for shooting but as plain as a mud fence and will never have collector value.

I'm not a collector, on the other hand and have never owned an English shotgun. The great thing about ownership in America is you can do as you please.

Last edited by Genelang; 11/12/16 11:00 PM.